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Monday, March 24, 2014

Leica Birding Team: J. Drew Lanham « The Traveling Trinovid

Leica Birding Team: J. Drew Lanham « The Traveling Trinovid
My parents were both birders. I grew up with talking about birds was part of my life. Neither my Mom or Dad were what I call " Alpha Birders" but they were quite accomplished. Over the course of my life I have paid a fair amount of attention to the natural world around me. Recently I have become much more excited about viewing and learning about birds. We have the state headquarters of NH Audubon here in Concord. They have lots of great programs in a wonderful facility. We have the opportunity to travel some and expect to do some more traveling in the future. I have been retired for almost 3 years and my wife Linda will be retiring in 53 (but who is counting) One of the trips we took was to South Africa. Astonishing. Among other things, the bird diversity was incredible. Goliath Herons , hornbills, weavers, Fish eagles and so much more. Any other folks out there have some birding interests ? Stef Mattlage
I am intrigued with the paths people have taken in their lives. Because we ( BHS class of 1968 ) have spent some time together in the same place we have a common waypoint to trace back to. As we move forward and backward in time our experiences diverge. I for one would enjoy hearing stories, sharing pictures and connecting. If you would like to join in feel free. If you know of other members of the class that you think may enjoy participating in this space please let them know.